作品中文名稱 Chinese Title | 祈願 |
作品英文名稱 English Title | Prayer to the Virgin |
作者中文姓名 Artist (Chinese Name) | 威廉‧亞杜夫‧布葛赫 |
作者原文姓名 Artist | William Adolphe BOUGUEREAU |
國籍 Nationality | 法國 (French) |
生卒年 Artist Dates | 1825-1905 |
年代 Date Made | 1865 |
簽名 Signature | 右上角 : W Bouguereau 1865 |
材質 Medium | 油彩、畫布 (oil on canvas) |
尺寸 Dimensions | 134.5x 96.5 公分 (cm) |
典藏編號 Accession Number | 0002350 |
威廉‧亞杜夫‧布葛赫(William Adolphe Bouguereau, 1825-1905)是法國十九世紀著名的學院派大師,精緻細膩的技巧和甜美平靜的畫作氛圍向來被視為當時學院派繪畫的典範。
【祈願】的靈感源自於畫家的女兒——珍德‧布葛赫(Jeanne Bouguereau, ca.1861-1866),由於1865年僅五歲的珍德染上嚴重的結核病,所以悲傷至極的布葛赫便將心情寄託於此作中,祈求慈愛的聖母能保護年幼的女兒早日痊癒,然而不幸的是,珍德仍在翌年六月不敵病魔而逝世。此作描繪一位抱著熟睡嬰孩的母親跪在教堂內祈求聖母保佑孩子的情景。布葛赫以暗色調刻劃教堂內彩繪玻璃、圓柱、壁面和洗禮盆等元素營造出清冷安靜的氣息,同時透過一抹來自右上方暗示宗教神聖性的光輝照亮了畫中的母子。母親神情嚴肅地仰頭望著這道光、雙手將孩子捧在腹前,以及左手上飾有十字架的念珠,流露著此刻懇切祈禱之情,同時藉由光源與陰暗空間的對比也更加烘托出母親此時的虔誠心境與教堂的神聖。畫家運用嫻熟的筆法雕琢著人物的面容、肌膚和服飾等質感,以及布葛赫喜愛的義大利裘切利亞地區(Ciociaria, 羅馬附近)女子傳統服飾元素:白色頭巾,以及身穿白色長袖上衣搭配繡有花紋的深色圍裙,一展學院傳統訓練的完美技巧。(徐鈺涵)
William Adolphe Bouguereau (1825–1905) was a notable 19th century French academic painter. He was known for his delicate and detailed techniques as well as sweet and peaceful scenes which were often regarded as models for other contemporary academic painters.
Prayer to the Virgin was inspired by the artist’s daughter, Jeanne Bouguereau (ca. 1861–1866), who caught a serious case of tuberculosis at the age of five. Worried and upset, Bouguereau committed his feelings to this piece, yearning for the merciful Virgin Mary to protect his young daughter from illness. Unfortunately, Jeanne succumbed to her illness the following June. This painting depicts a mother holding a sleeping baby and praying for the blessing of Mary at a church. Bouguereau used dark tones to depict stained glass, a pillar, wall, and baptism in order to build a cold and quiet atmosphere of a church. In the meantime, a ray of light from the upper right which illuminates the mother and the child suggests the sacred presence of God. The mother solemnly looks up at the light, holding her child with both hands in front of her belly. With prayer beads and a cross in her left hand, she appears sincere and earnest. The contrast between the light source and the dark space further accentuates the mother’s state of mind and the sacredness of the church. The artist skillfully portrays the figure’s expression, skin and clothes. With the traditional clothes of Ciociaria, Italy, white headscarf, white long-sleeved blouse and dark apron with embroidery, he fully exerts his artistic skill in academic training. (Yu Han HSU)