作品中文名稱 Chinese Title | 給麥子的祝福 |
作品英文名稱 English Title | The Blessing of the Wheat |
作者中文姓名 Artist (Chinese Name) | 裘勒‧布荷東 |
作者原文姓名 Artist | Jules BRETON |
國籍 Nationality | 法國 |
生卒年 Artist Dates | 1827-1906 |
年代 Date Made | 1872 |
簽名 Signature | 下角草叢 : Jules Breton 1872 |
材質 Medium | 油彩、畫布 |
尺寸 Dimensions | 70.2 x 162 公分 |
典藏編號 Accession Number | 0004859 |
裘勒‧布荷東(Jules Breton, 1827-1906)是十九世紀下半葉法國重要的農民畫家,向以描繪農民生活、宗教節慶等題材而聞名。1850年間在巴黎學習、開創繪畫事業的布荷東,難以忘懷幼年時期樸實、純真的鄉村生活,所以開始創作一系列農作、收割和鄉村中傳統宗教儀式的作品。1857年,布荷東在沙龍展展出【給麥子的祝福】(現藏於奧賽美術館),不僅為他贏得二等獎,也奠定了他在畫壇的名望。
現藏於奇美博物館的【給麥子的祝福】則是畫家在1872年重繪的版本,描繪法國北部阿托瓦(Artois)的祈禱節 (Rogation Days)遊行。畫面核心是唱頌經文和祝禱的神職人員所在之處,站在華蓋(canopy)下方、手拿金色聖體匣(monstrance)的神職人員帶領西裝筆挺的地主們走進麥田。 地主們華貴的裝束與挺立的身軀,與隊伍後方穿著樸素、低頭彎腰的百姓們,以及雙手合十、跪在隊伍旁祈禱的民眾產生對比。此外,更有一位手持長劍的士兵站立在地方仕紳和平民之間,舉手擋住後方民眾維持遊行秩序,但似乎也暗示著階級之分。走在華蓋前方的則有唱誦經文的神職人員,和穿戴白色花環和禮服 (Communion Dress)的女孩們。沿著他們前行的方向則可依序看見穿戴潔白衣裙的女子們抬著飾有花圈的聖像,以及遠處的旗幟和十字架。
此種遊行隊伍是法國北部鄉村典型的祈禱節儀式,期望透過唱詩班的人員(choir)領頭、神職人員唱頌經文引領當地居民環繞該地區外圍,祈求上帝寬恕人類的罪行、保佑這地的平安和小麥的豐收 。布荷東仔細描繪神職人員們和民眾虔誠祝禱、祈禱和跪拜的虔誠樣貌,顯示此一遊行儀式所帶來的神聖、平和之感。此外,以小麥田的褐黃色調為主的畫面,搭配遠方綠色的草原和明亮的藍天白雲,更營造出樸實、溫暖且祥和的鄉村氛圍。(徐鈺涵)
Jules Breton was an important peasant scene painter of the late 19th century France, reputed for depicting farmers’ life, religious festivals and related subjects. In the 1850s, Breton, who stayed in Paris for his education and to establish his painting career, found it difficult to forget the simplicity and innocence of the country life during his childhood. He,therefore, and began a series of works based on the farming practices, harvest, and religious ceremonies in village tradition. In 1837, Breton exhibited The Blessing of the Wheat at the Salon (now collected by the Musée d'Orsay),and won the second class medal. This consequently assisted him to establish his fame in the artists’ circle.
The Blessing of the Wheat now treasured in Chimei collection is a reproduction by Breton done in 1872, depicting Rogation Day at Artois in northern France. The center of the picture features chanting and praying clergy; under the canopy, the priest holding the monstrance leads formally-clothed landowners into the wheat field. The landowners’ luxurious outfits and erect posture serve a sharp contrast to the rows of simply-clad head-bowing peasants who are following the procession, and to those kneeling by the road and praying with folded hands. In addition, a soldier with a sword stands between the gentry and the commoners. He raises his arms to hold back the crowd and to maintain order, emphasizing class distinction. In front of the canopy are the chanting and praying clergy and the girls in communion dress with white garlands on their heads. Ahead of them are women in white who are carrying a religious statue decorated with flowers. And in the distant background, the flags and the cross lead the procession.
Processions as such are typical of village Rogation Days celebrations in northern France. In the chanting and praying of the choir and the clergy, local residents proceed around the boundary of the area, beseeching God for forgiveness of human sins as well as for His blessings over the peace of the land and over the wheat harvest. Breton carefully depicted the clergy blessing and the people devoutly praying and worshiping on bended knee, revealing a sense of holiness and peacefulness brought by the processions. In addition, the painting features the brownish yellow of the wheat field, and together with the green meadow in the distance and the bright blue sky and white clouds above, a simple, warm and harmonious country atmosphere is produced. ( Yu Han HSU)