作品中文名稱 Chinese Title | 愛神的菜單 |
作品英文名稱 English Title | The Menu of Love |
作者中文姓名 Artist (Chinese Name) | 尚‧厄尼斯‧歐貝赫 |
作者原文姓名 Artist | Jean Ernest AUBERT |
國籍 Nationality | 法國 |
生卒年 Artist Dates | 1824-1906 |
年代 Date Made | 1884 |
簽名 Signature | 畫面左下角: JEAN AUBERT 1884 |
材質 Medium | 油彩、畫布 |
尺寸 Dimensions | 85.1 x 68 公分 |
典藏編號 Accession Number | 0012501 |
尚‧厄尼斯‧歐貝赫(Jean Ernest Aubert, 1824-1906)早年跟隨父親學習版刻,後來進入巴黎美術學院後則師事新古典主義畫家德拉霍許(Paul Delaroche,1797 -1856)。歐貝赫初期曾以版刻作品獲得1844年的羅馬大獎(Prix de Rome),並以版畫著稱,但約在1850年代以後,他逐漸專注於繪畫創作,並僅以繪畫參加沙龍展。歐貝赫擅長風俗畫,亦經常描繪天使或年輕女孩,作品中常運用精巧的灰色調,並搭配細膩精確的構圖。
此種結合古典元素的作品其實在十九世紀晚期逐漸增多,這是由於人們對於古希臘羅馬或考古式主題的創作,已逐漸感到厭倦。取而代之的則是純粹追求美感和歡愉的作品,尤其是結合古典元素和當代審美品味的畫面最廣受歡迎,【愛神的菜單】即為此類繪畫的一個例子。(Dominique Lobstein)
Jean Ernest Aubert (1824-1906), who learned engraving from his father at a young age, was later admitted into the École des Beaux-Arts as an apprentice to Neoclassical painter Paul Delaroche (1797-1856). Aubert was awarded the Prix de Rome in 1844 for engraving and was renowned for his accomplishments in the genre. Beginning in the 1850s, however, he gradually shifted his focus onto painting and participated in the Salon only with painted artworks. Aubert specialized in genre painting and often portrayed angels or young women. Exquisite gray tonal gradations and precise compositions were his defining features.
Exhibited in the art salon at the Grand Palais de Champs-Élysées in 1884, The Menu of Love was well received at the time despite conflicting critical reviews. In the painting, three adorable little angels surround a woman vending fried potato chips. One is kneeling down to see the fire, another is holding a coin and a basket, while the third cheeky little angel is on tiptoe trying to reach for a fry or two. Aubert utilized simple shades of pale yellow as the background and depictions of childish charm for offsetting this amusing scene of graceful serenity.
The incorporation of classical elements became increasingly popular in the late 19th century as people began to tire of archaeological themes and artworks that invoked ancient Greek and Roman culture. Artworks created in pursuit of pure aesthetics and pleasure took the place of Greek and Roman mythology, especially those that integrated classical elements with contemporary aesthetic tastes, of which The Menu of Love is a vivid example. (Dominique Lobstein)