首頁樂器 Musical Instruments

  • CMIVI-0004533-Si-001-i.jpg
  • CMIVI-0004533-Si-002-i.jpg
  • CMIVI-0004533-Si-003-i.jpg
Chinese Title
English Title
Extra Name / Type
奧雷.布爾 (Ole Bull)
Maker (Chinese Name)
Giuseppe Guarneri del Gesù
Place of Origin
義大利 (Italy)
Date Made
Accession Number



據說朱塞佩.瓜奈里.耶穌是虔誠的天主教徒。1729年起,他的琴標籤上均註明”IHS”字樣及十字架圖案;又為了和其父親區別,文獻史料上稱他為「耶穌.瓜奈里」(Guarneri del Gesù)。這把琴公認是耶穌.瓜奈里的最後遺作,擁有巨砲般神奇的聲響,英國希爾公司 (W.E. Hill & Sons) 將它譽為「瓜奈里最具特色的作品」。它的歷史傳承也為它增添不少傳奇色彩,因為它曾經是挪威家喻戶曉的小提琴大師奧雷.布爾 (Ole Bull) 所持有的提琴。奧雷‧布爾是挪威民族運動的靈魂人物,他極力推廣挪威音樂,被視為民族英雄。而他生前最珍愛的這把提琴也因此被冠上「奧雷.布爾」的名號。這把珍貴的提琴曾多次出借給美國大都會博物館、挪威卑爾根葛利格博物館、法國巴黎音樂博物館展示,並在挪威紀念奧雷.布爾的電影及電視中亮相;其深遠的歷史性及國際性不言而喻。

Giuseppe Guarneri del Gesù was the son of Giuseppe Guarneri filius Andrea, the Guarneri family is widely recognized because of him. He ingeniously adopted experiences and features of his predecessors, such as Stradivari and Maggini, and created his own unique style. Thus, a new pattern of large-sized violin with bright timbre and sonority was developed. Guarneri del Gesù is considered to be the only luthier in the world to have ever rivaled Antonio Stradivari, and people admire him as “the greatest violinmaker after Stradivari”.

It is said that Guarneri del Gesù was a devaut Catholic, therefore, violins made after 1729 bear the labels “IHS”, an abbreviation of Jesus’ name, along with a cross. In order to tell the difference between Giuseppe Guarneri del Gesù and his father, in the archives he has been more often referred as “Guarneri del Gesù”.

This violin is considered the last masterpiece of Guarneri del Gesù. With its powerful sonority and legends behind it, W. E. Hill & Sons once claimed it “the most characteristic masterpiece of Guarneri del Gesù”. This violin was once owned by the famous Norwegian violinist, Ole Bull (1810-1880), who dedicated himself to his country's folk music and played a key role in the Norwegian national movements. This violin was his favorite instrument and thus named after him. The violin has been lent to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Edvard Grieg Museum in Bergen and Musée de la Musique in Paris. Moreover, it was shown on Norwegian TV shows and movies in memory of Ole Bull. The Ole Bull crafted by Guarneri del Gesù not only enjoys a highly acclaimed reputation internationally but is also an indispensable world-class masterpiece in the violin-making history.